Nuffnang Ads


I'm riding with the wind.
As fast as I can.
Thou obstacles is everywhere,
Even it could hurt me,
Even it could make me fall,
I'm not teardown here.

I'm not giving up
I want to fly,
I want to grab this light,
Farewell to the past,
I'm going to the future.


Easy to talk, hard to do.

When every word more painfull than the act.

When every word full of meaningful thought.

It become more  valuable than wealth.

It only words that can bring joyful and sadness.


Im running as fast that I could.

Shallow road without any light.

Too dark and I couldnt tell night or day.

Im trembling and walk slowly toward, and my hand reach something.

What it is? Left or right, it just a same.

Why? Why? Somebody help me.

Im crying but I cant feel anything from my eyes. No tears shed away.

Im screaming but my voices doesnt come out.

What happening?

Why? Why? What should I do?

Why? Why? When this big wall is here?

It's not like that...

I cant stop talking, even though Im already feel weird, uncomfortable feeling swarming me, but still my mouth keeps saying unnecessary word..

My minds is blind, my heart beat fast..

Would you please stop look at me now!

Im lost..

Thank you

Thank you God, coz untill today im still breathing.

Im still alive.

And I have you, my precious. My other half.

Thank you.